FTSE Russell has announced that from September 2025, securities which trade in non-GBP currencies, will be eligible for inclusion in the FTSE UK Index Series.
Up until this point, only securities trading in GBP have been considered for inclusion, which shuts out issuers whose securities trade in Euros or US Dollars (for example) and has a bearing the UK’s position as a global listing venue; given that eligibility for FTSE is a major driver for many issuers.
The relaxation of this requirement follows the reform of the UK listing regime which, among other things, aimed to make the UK markets more accessible to a diverse range of issuers. However, note that, in order to be eligible for FTSE inclusion, an issuer would still require a UK nationality and a listing on either the Equities Shares (Commercial Companies) category or the Closed-ended Investment Fund category.
From September 2025, FTSE Russell will also lower the Fast Entry Thresholds in its UK Index Series. If a company newly listed on the London Stock Exchange ranks 225th or above based on the close price on the first day of unconditional dealings, and has a investible market capitalisation of GBP 1 billion then the company (if otherwise eligible) will be placed in the FTSE 100 or FTSE 250 after the close on its fifth day of trading. Currently a company must rank 75th or above and have an investible market capitalisation of GBP 2 billion.
Companies which do no qualify for fast entry, must wait for FTSE Russell’s next quarterly review before being included.