6 September, 2019
Following the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) and the Asia/Pacific Group on Money Laundering’s inspection of Hong Kong in October and November 2018, their much anticipated Mutual Evaluation Report (Report) on Hong Kong was published on 4 September 2019. Our previous bulletin on 25 June 2019 gave early insights into the expected findings.
The Report sets out the level of compliance with the FATF 40 Recommendations (Recommendations). It also sets out the level of effectiveness of Hong Kong’s anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-financing of terrorism (CFT) system as against the FATF 11 Immediate Outcomes (IOs) together with recommendations for enhancing and strengthening the system. This bulletin outlines the key findings and priority actions identified in the Report. |
Overview of Hong Kong’s performance |
Effectiveness of Hong Kong’s system
In terms of the effectiveness of Hong Kong’s system in combating money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF),1 Hong Kong was found to have a substantial level of effectiveness in respect of 6 of the IOs and moderate level of effectiveness in respect of 5 of the IOs. Hong Kong did not obtain the highest rating of high level of effectiveness for any of the IOs. |
Compliance with the Recommendations
Hong Kong was found to be overall compliant with the Recommendations.
Hong Kong was found to be compliant, or largely compliant with 36 of the 40 Recommendations.2 However, it was only found to be partially compliant with the Recommendations concerning the following 4 areas: |
Key findings |
ML/TF understanding
Investigations, prosecutions, convictions and confiscation
Legal persons
International cooperation
Terrorist and proliferation financing
Recommended priority actions |
The Report outlined a significant number of recommendations aimed at strengthening the Hong Kong system.
Set out below are the recommendations that the Report identified as priority actions for Hong Kong to take:
What to expect next |
Policy and supervision
Hong Kong is likely to see a wave of policy changes and enhancements in the wake of the Report. The Hong Kong government and the supervisors responsible for the various AML and CFT regimes in Hong Kong will no doubt be taking stock of the Report’s findings in order to decide what steps to take next. Indeed the HKMA has already issued circulars to authorised institutions and stored value facility licensees which focus on the Report and its findings. Clearly, the priority actions identified above will be top of the agenda in terms of legal and regulatory developments.
It is clear from the Report that the AML and CFT approach in relation to DNFBPs and smaller financial institutions are key areas of weakness for Hong Kong and requires significant enhancement and strengthening. The potential for the misuse of legal persons and arrangements, and proliferation financing TFS, are also areas of key concern.
The observations regarding limited sanctions being applied against the private sector and the low number of prosecutions and convictions as compared to the number of cases investigated, may well lead to a shift towards a more aggressive enforcement policy by both LEAs and supervisors.
Furthermore, the Report’s recommendation to prioritise the investigation and prosecution of foreign non-fraud ML, such as drugs, tax crimes and corruption, may lead to an expansion of the type of the cases being pursue beyond fraud-related ML.
The trend of increasing numbers of ML and TF related enforcement cases only looks set to continue. 1 Effectiveness ratings can be: high, substantial, moderate, or low, level of effectiveness. 2 Technical compliance ratings can be: compliant, largely compliant, partially compliant or non-compliant. |
For further information, please contact:
Kyle Wombolt, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills