5 February, 2020
The Hong Kong Stock Exchange has launched a consultation paper to seek market feedback on proposals to extend the listing regime for innovative companies to permit corporates to hold shares with weighted voting rights. |
In April 2018, the Hong Kong Stock Exchange introduced a new listing regime for companies from emerging and innovative sectors. As part of those reforms, a new Chapter 8A was added to the Listing Rules to permit the listing of innovative and high-growth companies with weighted voting right structures. The Stock Exchange also introduced a number of investor protection safeguards given the potentially higher risks associated with companies with weighted voting rights. These included placing limits on the beneficiaries of weighted voting rights, permitting only those who are (and remain) directors of the company to hold shares with weighted voting rights (either directly or through a limited partnership, trust, private company or other vehicle).
The Stock Exchange indicated at the time that it would consult the market separately on the option of allowing corporate entities to benefit from weighted voting rights, given this would be an extension from its original reform proposals. The current consultation follows discussions between the Stock Exchange and relevant stakeholders on this issue. |
The Stock Exchange is proposing to broaden the Listing Rules on weighted voting rights to permit corporate shareholders to benefit, rather than only individuals as currently. The conditions and safeguards that currently apply would continue, together with the additional conditions and safeguards set out below.
Eligibility requirements
The corporate beneficiary of weighted voting rights must:
To provide structuring flexibility, the corporate beneficiary must itself meet the above or be a wholly-owned subsidiary of an entity that does.
The corporate beneficiary must comply with the Stock Exchange’s guidance on pre-IPO investments and placings to existing shareholders when increasing its economic stake from the required 10% or more level during the prior two financial years up to the 30% level at listing.
Business “ecosystem”
The listing applicant and corporate shareholder will need to show that an ecosystem exists between them which:
Voting right ratio
The weighted voting rights of shares held be corporates must not carry more than five times the voting power of the ordinary shares. By contrast, the limit on voting power conferred on shares with weighted voting rights held by individuals is capped at ten times the rights of ordinary shareholders.
Ongoing shareholding requirement
The corporate beneficiary of weighted voting rights must hold at least 30% of the economic interest in the listed company. An anti-dilution mechanism will be introduced to allow the corporate beneficiary to subscribe for ordinary shares to maintain the required percentage.
Board representation
The corporate beneficiary must have at least one corporate representative on the board of the listed company, and the weighted voting rights will permanently lapse if this is not maintained.
Lapse of weighted voting rights and sunset clause
The weighted voting rights attached to the shares held by a corporate shareholder must permanently lapse if the corporate shareholder’s contribution to the listed company is substantially terminated or materially disrupted or suspended for a period of more than twelve months.
The weighted voting rights must not last for more than ten years, although they may be renewed with independent shareholders’ approval for successive periods of not more than five years. |
The consultation paper contains a detailed discussion on the rationale for introducing corporate weighted voting rights beneficiaries and highlights the related risks.
The consultation is open for public comment until 1 May 2020. |
For further information, please contact:
Matthew Emsley, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills