11 June 2020
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Jakarta has been implementing Large-Scale Social Restrictions (“PSBB”) since April. Schools, offices and public facilities have been closed. Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan recently extended PSBB in the province, but said this would be a transition period toward recovery and a healthy, safe and productive return to public activities.
During this transition period, Jakarta will ease restrictions put in place under PSBB and allow activities to resume according to specific guidelines and health protocols.
What does this mean?
In the first phase of this transition, Jakarta will allow offices, shops, restaurants, businesses and places of worship to gradually begin to reopen at 50% capacity.
At the end of June, officials will evaluate this first phase of the transition period and determine whether public places included in the second phase, such as schools, salons and cinemas, may reopen.
How will transmission of the virus be mitigated?
In an effort to maintain public health and safety and mitigate further transmission of the virus, the governor has issued Governor Regulation No. 51 Year 2020 regarding the Implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions during the Transition Period to a Healthy, Safe and Productive Public (“Regulation”).
The Regulation calls for the implementation of a Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (“PHBS”) by all communities and residents. It also outlines the measures that will be taken by the government to improve public healthcare and implement strict controls for the supervision and application of health protocols in public areas.
Clean and Healthy Lifestyle (PHBS)
To implement PHBS, residents are asked to follow these guidelines in their daily lives:
Limit activities outside their home to important or urgent matters.
Maintain health and refrain from going outside when feeling unwell.
Refrain from going outside if at high risk of contracting the virus.
Maintain physical distancing with others.
Avoid crowds.
Avoid the communal use of personal objects.
Exercise regularly.
Regularly wash hands with clean water and soap.
Consume healthy and nutritious food.
Health Protocols
The Regulation also provides guidelines and health protocols to be followed by persons in charge of public areas such as schools, places of worship, workplaces and public facilities. They are obliged to provide the infrastructure and facilities to support PHBS and the fight against COVID-19, and educate the general public about the PSHB policy. They must also implement the following health protocols and provide sufficient supervision to ensure the protocols are enforced:
Places shall only be opened at half capacity.
Masks are worn.
Body temperatures are screened before entry.
The area is regularly cleaned and disinfected.
Handwashing stations and sanitizers are provided for routine handwashing.
Physical distancing of at least one meter between persons.
Protocols to fight COVID-19 are prepared and implemented.
Workplace Health Protocols
Workplaces may resume activities during the transition period. The protocols for workplaces are provided in the Regulation and the Head of the Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Office of DKI Jakarta Decree No. 1363 Year 2020 regarding COVID-19 Prevention and Control Protocols for Offices/Workplaces During the Transition to a Healthy and Productive Community.
In resuming activities in workplaces, companies must take the following measures:
Appoint a COVID 19 Task Force.
Limit the number of workers inside the workplace to 50% of normal.
Arrange work days, hours, shifts and systems accordingly with point b above.
Ensure all workers always wear masks and other protective devices.
Ensure the entire workplace is hygienic and regularly disinfected.
Institute temperature screening for anyone wishing to enter the workplace.
Provide hand sanitizers and handwashing stations.
Management may not terminate workers who test positive for COVID-19 and/or are self-isolating for health reasons.
Ensure that workers who enter the workplace have not contracted the virus.
Maintain physical distancing of at least one meter between workers.
Avoid activities that can create overcrowding.
Proactively monitor the health of workers.
Ensure that all workers complete a COVID-19 Risk Self-Assessment Form one day before re-entering the workplace. All visitors and guests must also complete a form before being allowed to enter the workplace.
Prioritize the use of technology to minimize physical interactions between workers.
Encourage workers to use private vehicles to and from the office (including walking and cycling) and provide supporting facilities for those cycling to work such as a bicycle parking places and showers.
Install devices such as dividers/glass screens for workers who serve customers to prevent transmission of the virus.
Provide a separate area/room to observe workers/visitors who show symptoms of COVID-19.
Ensure management stays updated on the information, regulations and instructions concerning COVID-19 in their area.
Implement COVID-19 prevention protocol in the workplace and report this implementation by following the instructions at this website: bit.ly/bekerja-kembali.
Prepare integrity pacts and protocols to prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
Parties who violate the Regulation will be subject to the following sanctions:
Violation |
Sanction |
Residents who are caught not wearing a mask outside of their home |
Persons in charge of schools and houses of worship who violate the health protocols in their area |
Written warning |
Persons in charge of workplaces |
Persons in charge of public places / facilities |
Persons in charge of social and cultural activities |
Mobility of Vehicles
During the transition period, private vehicles, including cars and motorcycles, shall adhere to the odd-even license plate policy. Public transportation may continue to operate at 50% capacity with limited operational hours. Both private and public transportation shall implement the proper health protocols.
Off-street parking control shall be maintained to prioritize space on the road for pedestrians and cyclers.
Further provisions regarding transportation will be regulated in decrees issued by the Head of the Jakarta Transportation Agency.
Supervision and Enforcement
Public order officers (“SATPOL PP”), with assistance from the relevant regional apparatus, which may include the police and/or military, will supervise and enforce the provisions of the Regulation, including the imposition of sanctions for violations.
Violations related to vehicles/transportation will be sanctioned by the Transportation Agency, with assistance from the relevant regional apparatus, which may include the police and/or military.
The Manpower and Transmigration Agency will supervise workplaces and their implementation of the provisions of the Regulation and issue sanctions for any violations, with assistance from the relevant regional apparatus, which may include the police and/or military.
Emergency Brake Policy
During the transition period, an emergency brake policy will be put in place. If the resumption of the above activities results in increased infection rates and a surge of COVID-19 cases, the transition period may be temporarily halted and social distancing restrictions put back in place.
If that occurs, the government will conduct strict monitoring and control at the local level, which includes COVID-19 screenings, mapping of area with high incidence rates, tracing of anyone who came in contact with infected parties, distribution of food to poor and affected families, and social sanctions for residents who violate the self-quarantine protocols.