The HKMA announced the launch of the Regtech Knowledge Hub on its website on 26 April 2022. The Hub collects a wealth of material from across the HKMA’s website in relation to Regtech and the use of Regtech by banks, including the Regtech Practice Guides that the HKMA has released over the last few months, use cases on Regtech, circulars on the use of Regtech and other fintech products and services for regulatory compliance, and various pronouncements and papers from the HKMA himself. It is hoped that the Hub will encourage the sharing of experience, insights and expertise of various industry players and entities within the Regtech ecosystem in Hong Kong, including banks, providers of Regtech services, and of course the HKMA.
The establishment of this Hub is another step in the HKMA’s plans (Fintech 2025 and the HKMA’s Regtech roadmap) to encourage the adoption by authorised institutions, including banks, of the wide number of technological solutions, products and services from Regtech and fintech. In encouraging and promoting the adoption of these products and solutions, it is hoped that Hong Kong’s banking industry can provide a more efficient and customer-friendly service and products to their customers in Hong Kong, bringing the banking industry forward into the future.
The Regtech Knowledge Hub can be accessed by the public here.
For further information, please contact:
Simon Deane, Deacons