ILCT was founded by a U.S. attorney, Mr. Charles Warren Kirkwood, as a Registered Ordinary Partnership, in Bangkok, on 4 July 1966 and went through various transformations. In 1998, our Asian offices of the firm comprising Bangkok, Vietnam and Taipei, start practicing in Asia under the name of Russin & Vecchi (R&V).
ILCT is the official name of the Bangkok Office. ILCT is the lead office of the multi-domestic law firm, Russin & Vecchi (R&V). ILCT is registered as a Grade “A” Thai Consultant with the Thai Consultant Database Centre, Ministry of Finance, entitling it to bid for government projects.
With over 56-year of history, ILCT was one of the pioneering international law offices engaging in the Thai business law practices. We have earned our reputation by consciously practicing in a group format and using personnel of diverse educational and technical backgrounds, most of whom are multilingual (Thai, English, Chinese, Japanese, French, Italian and Spanish), forming teams to deal with each matter by applying diversified expertise. With this method and through our inter-office matrix system, we have developed a unique inter- nationalist approach and able to provide tailored services to a wide cross-section of corporate and individual clients.
By invitation from Dentons, ILCT has joined Nextlaw network, a leading global network which has over 650 members in 200 countries with more than 30,000 lawyers connected.
ILCT 本法律事务所是由美国籍律师查尔斯 沃伦 柯 克伍德先生(Mr. Charles Warren Kirk- wood) 在 1966年7月4日於曼谷注册的普通合 伙企业,之后历 经了各种不同的企业转型 。在1998年,本所包括曼谷、越南、台湾在 内的亞洲办公室退出了主要合夥企业体制, 并以罗斯&维奇(R&V)为名成立了新公司, 同时将业务聚焦在亚洲事务上。
曼谷办公室的正式名称是“ILCT有限公司 (ILCT ) ”。ILCT是多国律师事务所Russ- in&Vecchi (R&V)的总部办公室。 ILCT 已在泰 国顾问数据 中心的财政部 标为“A”级泰 国顾问,而有资格竞标 政府项目。
I L C T 是一间拥有56年历史的泰国商法业务 事务所也 是国际先驱律师事务所之一。我 们通过有专业知识的小组形式进行练习并聘 用具有高阶层教育和技术背景的人员,而赢 得各界赞许的声誉,这些人员大多是经通各 国多种语文例如(泰语,英语,中文,日语 ,法语,意大利语和西班牙语),并组成团 队通过运用多元化的专业知识来处理多样的 事务。通过我们各个部门间专业且团结的系 统,我们开发了一种独特的国际主义方法, 能够为各界企业亦或私人领域的客户量身定 制提供最优良服务。
应Dentons的邀请,I L C T也有加入Nexlaw 律 师事务所联盟,一个统领全球的法律联盟拥 有 650多 个 组织成员,并在全球 200个国家 中与超过 30,000 多名律师有所互动。
- Banking and Finance (銀行與財務法)
- Competition/Anti-Trust/Anti-Monopolies (競爭法/反托拉斯法/反壟斷法)
- Contract Negotiations (合同談判)
- Corporate (公司法)
- Corporate Recovery Services (企業恢復服務)
- Entertainment Industry (娛樂產業服務)
- Expatriate Services (移民法/移民服務)
- Factory and Environmental Regulations (工廠法/環境保護法)
- Financial Technology (金融科技服務)
- Food & Drugs (食品藥品監督管理服務)
- Foreign Business (營業許可證服務)
- Hotel & Hospitality Business (觀光管理服務)
- Information Technology Services (信息技術服務)
- Internet Banking and E-Commerce (電子商務)
- General Electronic Commerce Transactions (電子商務)
- Computer Crime and Domain Name Dispute (電腦犯罪/統一域名爭議解決政策)
- Infrastructure and Privatization Projects (基礎設施/私有化)
- Insurance (公司保險)
- Intellectual Property (知識產權法)
- IP Services (知識產權服務)
- Trademarks (商標)
- Patents (專利)
- Copyright (著作權)
- IP Contracts (許可證貿易)
- IP Litigation and Enforcement (知識產權訴訟)
- Labour (勞工法)
- Litigation & Arbitration (訴訟/仲裁)
- Regulatory Affair (醫療注册)
- Mergers & Acquisitions, Take-Overs and Joint Venture (併購/公開收購/合資經營)
- Mineral Resources and Energy (自然资源法/能源法)
- Promotion of Investment (投資促進)
- Real Estate (物權法/房地產法)
- Securities (證券法)
- Taxation (稅收法)