On December 13, 2021 The Indonesian government agency that oversees IP rights, Directorate General of Intellectual Property (DGIP) released their performance achievement in 2021. In the said report, DGIP reported their performance on applications, completion of applications, distribution of national geographical indications, submission of national priorities along with intellectual property certificates, and registration letters issued from January to November 2021.
In the report, IP applications submitted to the DGIP from January to November 2021, total Intellectual Property applications submitted to DGIP until 30 November 2021 reached 166,717 applications and 49,658 of which were submitted by MSMEs (Medium Small Micro Enterprises). Of the total applications, there are 67,542 applications for Copyright recordation, 3,798 applications for registration of Industrial Designs, 84,426 applications for registration of Trademarks, 10,939 applications for registration of Patents, and 12 applications for registration of Geographical Indications.
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If we refer to the 2020 DGIP annual report, throughout 2020 DGIP received 64,784 applications for Copyright recordation, 3,518 of Industrial Design applications, 93,663 Trademark applications, and 10,858 Patent applications. Compared to the 2021 achievement report, there is an increase in the number of applications for Copyright, Industrial Designs, and patents, although there is a decrease for Trademark applications. However, those achievement reports are based on data up to November 2021, therefore the number of applications will increase when added to the data for December 2021.
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Further, DGIP also releases data related to the completion of intellectual property applications. It is said that DGIP has completed 204,916 applications and granted 208,198 IP protections by issuing 136,886 Trademark certificates, 7,156 Patent certificates, 2,156 Industrial Design certificates, 3 Geographical Indication certificates and 61,997 Copyright recordation letters.
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In addition, DGIP also provides data on the distribution of National Geographical Indications which states that until November 2021 there are 108 National Geographical Indications. Furthermore, based on the 2021 GDIP national priority data report, there are 1,103 communal intellectual property recorded in GDIP’s database and 566 of those have been validated.
DGIP’s achievement of increasing the number of applications at DGIP is directly proportional to public awareness of the importance of protecting Intellectual Property.
Am Badar & Am Badar as a well-known intellectual property firm that also has a line vision with the DGIP in raising public awareness regarding the importance of intellectual property protection, indeed always contribute to the achievement of the number of applications submitted to the DGIP.
As of November 2021, Am Badar & Am Badar have filed more than 1,300 intellectual property applications, dominated by patent applications. If compared to the total applications at DGIP, Am Badar & Am Badar account for at least more than 6% in patent applications and 5% in industrial design applications.