Domestic violence is a horrible thing, and can happen to anyone regardless of gender or social status. If you or someone you know is dealing with domestic violence, never be afraid to seek out help and support. There are several laws related to preventing domestic violence and punishing those who abuse and hurt others, and it is important to know which of those laws can help you out.
Whether you are suffering from physical, mental, psychological, economic, or other forms of abuse, you have ways out of the situation. Here’s what you need to know about the United States laws that will protect you.
The Domestic Violence Arrest Policy
While this isn’t a massive law, it is helpful to know what will happen if you call the police on a domestic violence case. Whether you are the one being abused or just a bystander. Many states in the US have trained police officers on how to assess and then handle domestic violence cases, which can quickly get heated with blame being thrown around.
In many cases, these laws require the responding officers to make an arrest of one or both parties at the scene, depending on the factors of the call. Additionally, once the arrests have been made and the victims are protected from their abusers, plenty of agencies will also focus on protecting their victims through the full power of the law.
Many systems such as the American Bar Association are working to train their lawyers on how to handle people who have survived or weathered violent situations and assaults.
The Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)
This act was cast in 1994 and they recognize that domestic violence is a national crime, and while many domestic violence cases are often settled in state and local court, the federal laws can be used as well. The VAWA Reauthorization Act of 2022 was signed in 2022, and the law is now modernized, strengthened, and provides the most support for people who have found themselves being abused.
Domestic violence software is also being used to organize the large numbers of people who find themselves dealing with a domestic violence situation, and there are many examples of a victims database that can be used by the victim service providers that help you.
Tort Law
Tort law is an act that causes injury or harm to another person, and tort law is designed to help give relief and support to injured parties due to abuse and also punish the abusers. If you plan to sue your abuser in civil court, then you will be doing it under tort law. Now, you can also sue your abuser in criminal court as well as civil court, because double jeopardy doesn’t apply to civil cases.
Working with an amazing lawyer will help you decide if you want to sue your abuser in civil or criminal court, or use both.
How To Get Help With The Law
Don’t be afraid to call for help if needed. If you are in a domestic violence situation, you need to get help because there are plenty of different resources that are freely available for you and your needs. If you are unsure of where to go or how to get help, contact law enforcement at 911 and get some serious help because the police and the lawyers will be able to help you out and connect you with those resources.
Domestic violence is something that many people are dealing with, and there are countless people who have experienced it, and who can help you get real freedom.