13 April, 2017
Welcome to the April 2017 edition of Baker McKenzie's International Trade Compliance Update. Here are some highlights:
WTO: trade in services proposals, trade policy review- Japan, disputes, TBT notifications
WCO news
CITES updates
Australia: Japan FTA duty rate changes, Commerce (Trade Descriptions) Regulation, GST threshold changes
China: Changes to pre-shipment inspection policy, labor-based trade consequences (article)
Vietnam: New decree on commercial mediation
EU and EFTA: UK triggers Art. 50 (Brexit), common military list, EEA organic production, EFTA-Malaysia trade negotiations, standardisation initiative, conflict minerals, Russian sanctions extended, access to SWIFT barred for N. Korean banks, Ukrainian sanctions renewed
Plus 337 cases, CBP rulings (revocations and modifications), CBSA advance rulings, and CN Explanatory notes updates as well as updates to antidumping and countervailing duty investigations from the USA, Canada, EU, Australia, Brazil, China and India.
Please click here for the full report.
For further information, please contact:
Stuart P. Seidel, Baker & McKenzie