18 March, 2020
The recent outbreak of COVID-19 (the "Coronavirus") raises challenging issues for employers, particularly those that operate in multiple locations, provide a variety of services, and employ a global workforce which travels routinely. Now is the time for employers to revisit their health and safety protocols and install procedures to minimise the risk of the outbreak affecting their staff, whilst at work or travelling for work.
The regional update below, covering 11 jurisdictions, outlines employer obligations and important considerations across the Asia Pacific region in terms of dealing with the Coronavirus outbreak.
We have updated this version to include changes and developments since the release of the original version in February.
As the response of governments to the outbreak is evolving rapidly, it is important for employers to regularly check for updates with local authorities in each jurisdiction (as the information set out below may change).
We also encourage you to contact your local Baker McKenzie office if you have any further questions relating to the information we have provided, or for a more comprehensive explanation of how the Coronavirus outbreak could impact your business and workforce.
Please click here for the full report. ( 47 Pages – PDF)
* This publication was last updated 9 March 2020
For further information, please contact:
Michael Michalandos, Partner, Baker & McKenzie