21 March, 2019
In October last year, Cynthia Chung, Head of Corporate Commercial Group, published a topical article entitled “Whistleblower protection in Hong Kong – the sooner the better!”
In her article, Cynthia first discussed the need for Hong Kong to develop a more comprehensive legal regime for whistleblower protection, before proceeding to set out assistive guidelines and best practices for employers in developing their own internal whistleblowing policies as part of their corporate governance/integrity management. |
鍾律師在其文章中首先討論了香港需要為舉報者提供保護而制定一個更全面的法律制度,然後著手列出用以協助僱主制定其內部舉報政策的指引和最佳守則以作為企業管治/誠信管理的一部分。 |