SSEK Law Firm founding partner Ira A. Eddymurthy, senior associate Bima Danubrata Adhijoso and associate Agung Kurniawan Sihombing have contributed the Indonesia chapter to the Corporate M&A 2024 practice guide published by Chambers and Partners.
The Corporate M&A 2024 guide provides the latest legal information on acquiring a company, antitrust regulations, restrictions on foreign investments, stakebuilding, negotiation, mandatory offer thresholds, conditions for a takeover offer, squeeze-out mechanisms, disclosure, duties of directors, defensive measures, and shareholder activism.
SSEK is recognized by legal directories including Chambers and Partners as a leading law firm for corporate law and mergers and acquisitions. Our internationally recognized M&A team assists multinationals and large domestic companies in asset and share acquisition transactions, mergers and reorganizations, ensuring regulatory compliance and attending to all related due diligence and document preparation.