23 October, 2018
"The advent of connected and autonomous vehicles is without a doubt one of the greatest changes in the history of mankind." New South Wales Minister for Transport, Andrew Constance
Connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) will have a dramatic impact on the way we live and work and will revolutionise mobility and transportation as we know it. They will be one of the more visible transformations of the so-called fourth industrial revolution, in which humans and machines will interact seamlessly in real time with smart devices connected through the Internet of Things.
In May 2018, Herbert Smith Freehills’ Sydney office hosted the conference "Driving forward with connected and autonomous vehicles", the final in a series of similar events hosted in New York, London and across Asia.
The Sydney conference brought together participants from government and the private sector, including infrastructure providers, data analysts, insurers and technology investors, to discuss how government and businesses can work together to best prepare for the advent of CAVs.
This report draws on the views of the panellists and experts within the Herbert Smith Freehills CAV team, to explore the key issues in making Australia ready for CAVs.
To download the report: Preparing Australia: Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (pdf 7.72 MB), please click here.
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Nicholas Carney, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills