10 October, 2017
Executive Summary
On 1 October 2017, the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) announced on its website that the salary criteria for work pass holders to qualify for dependant privileges will be raised from SGD 5,000 to SGD 6,000 (for spouses and children) and SGD 10,000 to SGD 12,000 (for parents of main pass holders). This is to ensure that work pass holders are able to upkeep their dependants in Singapore.
With effect from 1 January 2018, Employment Pass (EP) or S Pass holders who command a monthly salary of at least SGD 6,000 can bring their family to Singapore on Dependant’s Pass (DP) or Long Term Visit Pass (LTVP), which has been increased from SGD 5,000.
To sponsor the stay of their parents, these work pass holders need to meet a minimum fixed monthly salary of SGD 12,000, which has been increased from SGD 10,000.
The changes will only apply to new DP or LTVP applications made on or after 1 January 2018. New DP and LTVP applications submitted before 1 January 2018 will be assessed based on the existing criteria.
Renewal of DPs and LTVPs approved or issued before 1 January 2018 will also be assessed based on the existing criteria as long as the main pass holder remains with the same employer.
The DP and/or LTVP privileges for EntrePass and Personalised Employment Pass holders are assessed based on separate sets of criteria and the revision to the DP and LTVP qualifying salary criteria will not affect the applications or renewals of these passes.
The MOM reviews its guidelines periodically to ensure that work pass holders are able to upkeep their dependants in Singapore. The is further in line with the current trend in Singapore’s immigration policies, as the Singapore Government continues to take tougher measures to ensure that only qualified foreigners whose presence in Singapore will be beneficial to the economy are granted authorization to work in Singapore.
Certain work pass holders may no longer be qualified to apply or renew the respective DPs or LTVPs for their families based on the new criteria. Hence we encourage employers to, as far as possible, apply or renew the EP and S Pass (and the respective DPs and/ or LTVPs) early to ensure that their employees’ families can continue to validly stay in Singapore despite the upcoming changes.
For further information, please contact:
Celeste Ang, Baker & McKenzie.Wong & Leow