25 May, 2018
The Legislative Yuan finally approved the amendments to “Statute for Control of Cosmetic Hygiene”, which is now renamed “Cosmetic Hygiene Safety Administration Act”, on Apr 10, 2018. The important aspects of the amended law include:
- Amend the definition of cosmetics. For example, the non-medical use toothpaste and mouthwash are integrated into the cosmetics management system. Insert definitions of cosmetics companies, product information files, and cosmetic ingredients into the Act.
- Abolish the examination and registration of cosmetic pigments and the cosmetics inspection system and replace it with a product registration and product information system. The cosmetics manufacturers and importers must complete the product registration and establish the product information files (PIF) for products designated by the Ministry of Health and Welfare before they can be put on the market. In addition, the cosmetics manufacturing factories must follow the Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).
- Revise the term “Chemical Containing Cosmetics” to “Use-Specific Cosmetics”. The old regulations will be gradually replaced by the new product registration and product information files system within 5 years
- Abolish the advanced approval system for cosmetics advertisements. At the same time, increase the penalties for non-complying advertisements.
- Establish the product sources and flow data, and the voluntary reporting obligation by the entities engaging in cosmetics business.
- Strengthen the product origin management, add the system of spot checks and sampling inspections, and require manufacturers to recall and destroy the non-complying products within a prescribed period.
- Abolish criminal penalties and raise the upper limit of administrative penalties. Insert articles of whistleblower protection.
For further information, please contact:
Rebecca Shen,Tsar & Tsai Law Firm