11 November, 2015
On 5 November 2015 the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership – agreed on 5 October 2015 – was publicly released (please click here). The text includes 30 chapters, plus annexures and side-agreements.
This is an important market regulatory document that is far more than a traditional Free Trade Agreement. The different chapters in the text can be found here.
The full text of the TPP is long, complex and subject to a complicated number of exceptions and side-agreements. Our aim is not to get you a fast or superficial analysis, but a considered and practical outline of what the TPP means for your industry or sector. We will therefore provide a full analysis in a refreshed and expanded Impact by Sectors section of this hub within the next week – subscribe to the hub for automatic updates.
We are also planning a series of client briefings and events in the coming months to discuss the TPP and its significance for regional trade and investment. This is a complex document that reveals further implications as it is studied and our events plan to unpack its significance for your industry or sector and what this will mean for your business. Please look out for the invitations to these exciting events.
The TPP is highly important to trade and commerce in the region. Since the initial agreement between 12 Pacific Rim countries, Indonesia has also agreed to become a member of the TPP. Other nations, including Korea, have expressed a strong interest in doing so. The revolutionary significance of the TPP for global trade and investment therefore continues to grow.
For further information, please contact:
Donald Robertson, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills