The Malaysia Competition Commission (“MyCC”) has launched a public consultation for the Market Review of the Digital Economy Ecosystem (“the Market Review”) pursuant to section 11(1) of the Competition Act 2010.
The announcement by MyCC (“the Announcement”) is accessible here.
According to the Announcement, the market review aims to address “key features and interactions within the digital marketplace that could affect competition” and will encompass the following markets:
a) Mobile operating and payment system;
b) E-commerce (Marketplace);
c) Digital advertising services;
d) Online travel agencies (OTAs); and
e) Data privacy & protection (Discussed in all scope).
MyCC has published an Interim Report of the Market Review on its website and is inviting members of the public and relevant stakeholders to provide written feedback on the above until 31 March 2025.
If you or your enterprise have any concerns in any of the areas mentioned above, you may wish to put in a written submission to MyCC before 31 March 2025 via the designated portal on MyCC’s website or email (