As artificial intelligence (Al) tools and consumer demand for curated and personalized content continue to proliferate, companies are increasingly considering how they might incorporate Al into their service offerings. This can include using Al to improve customer service, tailor product recommendations, streamline inventory management, empower and inform customer-facing employees, and troubleshoot the user experience. A primary focus of the March 2024 annual Shoptalk conference-which brings together retailers to discuss the future of their industry-was devoted to the varied use cases for Al in consumer-facing activities, with sessions titled “Creating the Next Growth Wave with Al-Powered Commerce,” “Pioneering Applications of Generative Al,” and “Leveraging Al to Scale Personalization.”
As companies explore the use of Al tools to meet consumer expectations and optimize the customer experience, they should consider how to approach related disclosures. A thoughtful disclosure policy will not only help minimize a company’s legal risk, but will also bolster consumer trust and transparency with respect to the company’s data practices.