As part of its efforts to improve industry standards, MAS is proposing to introduce regulatory requirements on the conduct of due diligence by CF advisers, via a new Notice. This will raise the minimum standards of conduct of CF advisers, strengthen public confidence and promote informed decision making by investors through quality disclosures. These requirements have been developed in line with industry best practices and the requirements in other major jurisdictions.

Under the proposal, corporate finance advisers will be required to:

  1. act with due care, skill and diligence when performing due diligence;
  2. establish a governance framework over the performance of due diligence by their representatives and staff; and
  3. keep records of the due diligence work performed.

CF advisers acting as issue managers for initial public offerings will also have to assess and be satisfied that a listing applicant is suitable for listing and ensure that there is an independent review of the due diligence performed by the transaction team for each listing application.

For further information, please contact:

Peiying Chua Heikes, Partner, Linklaters