24 July, 2018
In early July we issued a client alert about President Jokowi issuing Government Regulation No. 24 of 2018 on Electronic Integrated Business Licensing Services ("Regulation 24") which caused the Capital Investment Coordinating Board ("BKPM") to temporarily suspend the processing and issuing of licenses as a transition to a nationwide business licenses process through an Online Single Submission ("OSS") system (click here). The Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs ("CMEA") finally launched the OSS system through www.oss.go.id at the beginning of this week. As expected, we understand that some delays and intricacies were found when people tried to access the OSS system.
OSS System
On 9 July, the CMEA website issued a press release about the launch of the OSS system, with guidelines for accessing the OSS system attached. The guideline can be downloaded at www.oss.go.id.
To be able to access the OSS system, business owners are first required to create and activate their OSS account at www.oss.go.id. Some information is required to be input in order to create an OSS account. Once the OSS account is created, a direct link email will be sent to the business owners to activate the OSS account. Once the OSS account is activated, the business owners will receive a user-ID and password, which will be used to log in to the OSS system.
We have not yet had experience of getting licenses through the OSS system. As mentioned above, we understand that some applicants experienced delays and intricacies when trying to access the OSS system. We expect that this may still happen until next week.
Licenses still under BKPM
On 10 July, BKPM announced that BKPM's One Stop Integrated Services (PTSP-BKPM) are still open as usual to serve business owners that need information, assistance and consultation, including assistance in explaining business licensing application procedures through the OSS system. The announcement also includes confirmation that PTSP-BKPM is still processing and issuing licenses that are not yet regulated in Regulation 24. A list of the licenses is attached in the announcement and are as follows:
No |
Sector |
Types of Licenses |
1. |
Energy and Mineral Resources |
Electricity Subsector:
No |
Sector |
Types of Licenses |
penunjang panas bumi) Oil and Gas Subsector:
Mineral and Coals Subsector:
No |
Sector |
Types of Licenses |
produksi dan perpanjangannya)
2. |
Public Works and Public Housing |
3. |
Finance |
No |
Sector |
Types of Licenses |
4. |
We keep monitoring further development on the implementation of the OSS system. The procedures to process licenses that are still issued by BKPM should remain the same.
For further information, please contact: