25 July, 2017
Following various parliamentary inquiries at the Federal and State level into labour hire practices, it looks as though state-based labour hire licensing schemes will very soon be a reality, with the South Australian Government recently joining both Queensland and Victoria in proposing to introduce state based labour hire licensing schemes.
A report on the labour hire licensing scheme proposed for Queensland was released late yesterday by the Parliamentary Committee charged with reviewing the Labour Hire Licensing Bill 2017 (Qld). While the Committee was unable to reach agreement on whether the Bill should pass, it remains likely that Queensland Government will continue to push for this reform to be introduced.1
The licensing schemes will regulate "labour hire operators" and businesses that engage "labour hire services" (which may capture companies outside the traditional labour hire industry), so now is the time to understand the potential implications of the proposed changes for your business.
Click on the image below for an interactive overview of the current proposed labour hire licensing schemes around Australia.
Click here to download a pdf version of the presentation.
1. For more information on the Queensland scheme and what is proposed see our article: Casting a Wide Net: Proposed Labour Hire Licensing Scheme in Queensland.
For further information, please contact:
Miles Bastick, Partner, Herbert Smith Freehills